Championship Darts Circuit

The American Championship Darts Circuit was founded 2015 by Peter Citera, Anthony Eugenia and L.David Irete, who all have a lot of experience in the administrative part of the American sport of darts. With the Championship Darts Circuit they want two reach two goals. on the one side they want to offer the American top players a tournament series with reasonable price noney and the chance to play one another on a regular basis. On the other side they hope to get mor new players interested in the sport and to give those a chance to improve by playing agaonst the top players.

The highest ranked American player and the highest ranked Canadian players after the season get a place in the PDC World Championship.
For the CDC Matchplay, the final of the tournament series, those players are invited who head the ranking after the eight events. In 2015 Larry Butler won the CDC Matchplay.

2016 five Qualifying Schools are offered between January and March in five different cities of the USA for those players who didn't get a Tour Card.

Due to the Corona pandemic the Circuit was not played in 2020 but returned in 2021.
Official Homepage: Championship Darts Circuit

CDC 2025
CDC 2024
CDC 2023
CDC 2022
CDC 2021
CDC 2019
CDC 2018
CDC 2017
CDC 2016

CDC 2025

2025 the Championship Darts Circuit will consist of the following Events:
Cross Border 11. April, Los Angeles, California Winner:
Cross Border12. April,Los Angeles, California Winner:
Event 1 9. May, Niagara Falls, New York Winner:
Event 210. May, Niagara Falls, New York Winner:
Event 3 6. June, Ontario, Canada Winner:
Event 47. June, Ontario, Canada Winner:
Event 58. June, Ontario, Canada Winner:
Event 611. July, Chicago, Illinois Winner:
Event 712. July, Chicago, Illinois Winner:
Event 813. July, Chicago, Illinois Winner:
Event 91. August, Indianapolis, Indiana Winner:
Event 102. August, Indianapolis, Indiana Winner:
Event 113. August, Indianapolis, Indiana Winner:
Event 12 22. August, Chicago, Illinois Winner:
Event 1323. August, Chicago, Illinois Winner:
Event 1424. August, Chicago, Illinois Winner:
Event 1519. September, Indianapolis, Indiana Winner:
Event 1620. September, Indianapolis, Indiana Winner:
Event 1721. September, Indianapolis, Indiana Winner:
Continental Cup17. - 18. October, Philadelphia, Pensylvania Winner:

These events will be streamed live on PDCTV .

CDC 2024

2024 the Championship Darts Circuit will consist of the following tournaments:
Event 1 19. May, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 220. May, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: David Cameron
Event 313. July, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Gary Mawson
Event 414. July, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Stowe Buntz
Event 515. July, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: David Cameron
Event 63. August, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Jim Long
Event 73. August, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Stowe Buntz
Event 84. August, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 9 23. August, Niagara Falls, New York Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 1024. August, Niagara Falls, New York Winner: Jim Long
Event 1125. August, Niagara Falls, New York Winner: Alex Spellmann
Event 1220. September, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Adam Sevada
Event 1321. September, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Jake Womack
Event 1422. September, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Adam Sevada
Continental Cup18. - 19. October, Philadelphia, Pensylvania Winner:

These events will be streamed live on PDCTV .

Punkte Liste
1Leonard Gates, USA108
2Jim Long, CAN108
3Stowe Buntz, USA104
4Adam Sevada, USA102
5 David Cameron, CAN96
6Alex Spellmann, USA95
7 Jacob Taylor, CAN81
8 Jacob Womack, USA77
9Gary Mawson, USA73
10Doug Boehm, USA60
11Jeff Springer, USA59
12 Steve Warnock, CAN51
13Joey Lynaugh, USA46
14Larry Butler, USA43
15Jeff Smith, CAN35
16John Part, CAN35
17Jack Robinson, CAN34
18Nick Linberg, USA33,5
19Dave Richardson, CAN33
20Jason Roker, CAN31,5
21Sean Mitchell, USA31
22Jason Brandon, USA30
23Jake Macmillan, CAN30
24Chris Caldwell, CAN29
25 Kiley Edmunds, CAN28
26Rick Allred, USA24
27Brian Fenlon, USA21,5
28Brandon Goddard, CAN21
29Jason Watt, USA20,5
30Michael Nguyen, USA20,5
31Trevor Buboltz, USA20
32Hossey Hicks, USA20

The Top 3 are qualified for the PDC WWorld Championship 2024/25.
The highlighted players take part in the Continental Cup

CDC 2023

2023 the Championship Darts Circuit will consist of the following tournaments:
Event 1 19. May, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Jacob Womack
Event 220. May, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Alex Spellman
Event 321. May, Brownsburg, Indiana SWinner: Leonard Gates
Event 414. Juli, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Jules van Dongen
Event 515. Juli, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Alex Spellman
Event 616. Juli, Wheeling, Illinois Winner: Danny Lauby
Event 7 11. August, Toronto, Ontario Winner: Stowe Buntz
Event 812. August, Toronto, Ontario Winner: Stowe Buntz
Event 913. August, Toronto, Ontario Winner: Stowe Buntz
Event 108. September, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Alex Spellman
Event 119. September, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: David Cameron
Event 1210. September, Brownsburg, Indiana Winner: Leonard Gates
Continental Cup20. - 21. October, TBC Winner:

These events will be streamed live on PDCTV .

Point List
On 19. September
1Alex Spellmann, USA116
2Stowe Buntz, USA102
3Leonard Gates, USA96
4 David Cameron, CAN94
5 Danny Lauby, USA88
6 Jacob Taylor, CAN78
7Jim Long, CAN70
8Jason Brandon, USA48
9Doug Boehm, USA48
10Larry Butler, USA45
11JT Davis, USA43
12Keith Way, CAN43
13Gary Mawson, USA41
14Jules van Dongen, USA38
15Chuck Puleo, USA38
16Jacob Womack, USA35
17Jake Macmillan, CAN34
18David Fatum, USA33
19Ryan Vander Weit, USA33
20Joey Lynaugh, USA31
21Sylvain Bourdeau, CAN29,5
22Keifer Durham, CAN23,5
23Jason Watt, USA23
24 Steve Warnock, CAN23
25Matt Arpin, USA22
26Jeff Springer, USA21,5
27Darryl Christie, CAN20
28Justin Fawcett, CAN20
29Elliott Milk, USA19
30Michael Nguyen, USA19
31Paul Forauer, USA19
32Gino Florian, USA18,5

CDC 2022

2022 the Championship Darts Circuit will consist of the following tournaments:
Event 1 14. May, Brownsville, Indiana Winner: Matt Campbell
Event 214. May, Brownsville, Indiana Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 315. May, Brownsville, Indiana Winner: Dan Baggish
Event 425. June, Cambridge, Ontario Winner: Jacob Taylor
Event 525. June, Cambridge, Ontario Winner: David Cameron
Event 626. June, Cambridge, Ontario Winner: David Cameron
Event 7 13. August, Brownsville, Indiana Winner: Jacob Taylor
Event 813. August, Brownsville, Indiana Winner: David Cameron
Event 914. August, Brownsville, Indiana Winner: Larry Butler
Event 1010. September, Waterdown, Ontario Winner: Danny Baggish
Event 1110. September, Waterdown, Ontario Winner: Jim Long
Event 1211. September, Waterdown, Ontario Winner: Jacob Taylor
Continental Cup21. - 23. October, Queens, New York Winner:

These events will be streamed live on PDCTV .

Beside these Summer Series Events will be played:
CDC Casscades Classic 27. May, Oregon Winner:
CDC Shootout 8. July, Pennsylvania Winner:
CDC Matchplay 5. August, Tennesee Winner:
CDC Congressional2. September, Virginia Winner:

CDC 2021

2021 the Championship Darts Circuit in the USA will consist of the following tournaments:
Event 1 9. July, Tampa Winner: Dan Lauby
Event 210. July, Tampa Winner: Dan Lauby
Event 311. July,Tampa Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 417. September, Philadelphia Winner: Adam Sevada
Event 518. September, Philadelphia Winner: Seth Stefano
Event 619. September, Philadelphia Winner: Kevin Luke

Beside the following events are planned in Canada:
Event 1 13. August, Canada Winner: David Cameron
Event 214. August, Canada Winner: Matt Campbell
Event 315. August, Canada Winner: Jeff smith
Event 422. October, Canada Winner:
Event 523. October, Canada Winner:
Event 624. October, Canada Winner:

These events will be streamed live on PDCTV .

These Special Events will be played as well
CDC Matchplay 23. July, Nashville, TN Winner:
CDC Shootout 3. September, Washington, DC Winner:
Continental Cup20. November, New York, CA Winner:

Point List USA
Final Standings 21. September
1 Danny Lauby Jnr
2 Leonard Gates
3 Gary Mawson
4Chuck Puleo
5Seth Stefano
6Kevin Luke
7Jules van Dongen
8Adam Sevada
9Jeremiah Millar
10Alex Spellman
11 Nick Linberg
12 Darin Young
13 Bruce Robbins
14Larry Butler
15Gino Florian
16Nick Georgeson
17Danny Baggish
18Chris White
19Stephen Phillips
20Joe Beecroft
21Chris Lim
22Joey Lynaugh
23Howard Minor
24David Blalock

Point List Canada
On 17. August
1Jeff Smith
2David Cameron
3Jacob Taylor
4Matt Campbell
5John Norman Jnr
6Dave Richardson
7Jim Long
8Kiley Edmunds
9Shawn Brenneman
10Ben Garner
11Cory Tkach
12Tanner Picard
13Darryl Christie
14Kerry Way
15Ron Looker
16Keith Way
17Terry Fougere
18Arthur Burns
19Justin Fawcett
20Josh Daynes
21Rod Snow
22Steve Foster
23Fern Bellerin
24Ken Sherk

CDC 2019

2019 the Championship Darts Circuit will consist of the following tournaments:
Event 1 30. March, Philadelphia Winner: Darin Young
Event 231. March, Philadelphia Winner: Jim Long
Event 34. May, Southern Ontario Winner: Darin Young
Event 45. May, Southern Ontario Winner: Dan Lauby
Event 51. June, Chicago Winner: Matt Campbell
Event 62. June, Chicago Winner: Joe Huffman
Event 710. August, Chicago Winner: Jeremiah Millar
Event 811. August, Chicago Winner: Matt Campbell
Event 914. September, Philadelphia Winner: Darin Young
Event 1015. September, Philadelphia Winner: Danny Baggish

Besides the following Special Events take place
Cosmo Darts CDC Matchplay 26. July, Nashville, TN Winner:
Continental Cup Finals19. - 20. October, New York, CA Winner: Danny Lauby

Point List 2019
Final Standings 16. September
1 Darin Young
2Matt Campbell
3Joe Huffman
4Jim Long
5Jeremiah Millar
6 Danny Lauby II
7Larry Butler
8 Gary Mawson
9Chuck Puleo
10Kiley Edmunds
11Jeff Smith
12Shawn Brenneman
13 David Fatum
14Dave Richardson
15 Leonard Gates
16Joey Beecroft
17 Tim Nicoll
18Joe Chaney
19 Nick Linberg
20John Part
21Jason Brandon
22Ross Snook
23Danny Baggish
24Chris White
25Gino Florian
26Danny Pace
27Dan Lauby Sr
28Keifer Durham
29Trevor Buboltz
30DJ Sayre
31Eric Dennison
32Kevin Jinkensen

Main Two Year Tour Order of Merit
After Event 10
1 Darin Young
2Chuck Puleo
3Jim Long
4Matt Campbell
5 Danny Lauby II
6 Gary Mawson
7 Leonard Gates
8 Nick Linberg
9 David Fatum
10Joe Huffman
11 Tim Nicoll
12Larry Butler
13Ross Snook
14Jeremiah Millar
15Chris White
16DJ Sayre
17John Part
18Dan Lauby Sr
19Joe Chaney
20Jason Brandon
21Kiley Edmunds
22Rob Modra
23Jeff Smith
24John Steinhofer
25Trevor Buboltz
26Joey Beecroft
27Shawn Brenneman
28Gino Florian
29Jim Widmayer
30Dave Richardson
31Danny Pace
32Gene Waltz

CDC Tour Cards 2019
1Chuck Puleo
2 Darin Young
3Jim Long
4 Danny Lauby
5 Gary Mawson
6 Leonard Gates
7 Nick Linberg
8 David Fatum
9 Tim Nicoll
10Ross Snook
11DJ Sayre
12Chris White
13Rob Modra
14Matt Campbell
15Dan Lauby
16John Part
17Jim Widmayer
18Larry Butler
19Brian MacKenzie
20John Steinhofer
21Trevor Buboltz
22Paul Schindamann
23Jason Brandon
24Gene Waltz
25Ron Johnson
26Aaron Jalbert
27Michael Burns
28Gary French
29Ray Carver
30Pat Gallagher
31Geoff Miller
32Ken McCowan

CDC 2018

2018 the Championship Darts Circuit events will be played:
Event 1 29. April Winner: Gary Mawson
Event 230. April Winner: Chuck Puleo
Event 319. May Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 420. May Winner: Darin Young
Event 523. June Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 624. June Winner: Darin Young
Event 74. August Winner: Nick Linberg
Event 85. August Winner: Chuck Puleo
Event 925. August Winner: John Part
Event 1026. August Winner: Chuck Puleo

Besides the following Special Events take place
Cosmo Darts CDC Matchplay 27. July, Nashville, TN Winner: Leonard Gates
Continental Cup Finals20. - 21. October, Los Angeles, CA Winner:

The highest ranked American player - Chuck Puleo - and the highest ranked Canadian player - Jim Long - at the end of the season will get a place in the PDC World Championship 2019.

Parallel to the CDC Tour Events on 19./20. May, 23./ 24. June and 4. / 5. August the Junior Darts Tour takes place. The final with the top eight players will be played on 5. August. Winner was Gavin Nicoll.
For the a little bit older players(23 years and younger) at the same dates the Evolution Tour will played with four events at each of the weekends. The final of the Evoution Tour will take place on 25. August and the top four of the ranking will take part..

Before the start of the tournament series a Q School series took place in different parts of the United States.

CDC 2017

2017 the Championship Darts Circuit will consist of the following events:
Event 1 29. April Winner: Chuck Puleo
Event 230. April Winner: Gary Mawson
Event 320. May Winner: Gary Mawson
Event 421. May Winner: Larry Butler
Event 524. June Winner: John Part
Event 625. June Winner: Larry Butler
Event 726. August Winner:
Event 827. August Winner:

In addition the following special events will be played:
Cosmo Darts CDC Matchplay 28. July, Nashville, TN Winner: Gary Mawson
Continental Cup Finals23. - 24. September, Los Angeles, CA Winner:

Additional a Q School series with at least 6 events will take place in different parts of the USA

CDC 2016

2016 the Championship Darts Circuit will consist of the following events:
Event 1 21. May, Lexington, KY Winner: Leonard Gates
Event 222. May, Lexington, KY Winner: Larry Butler
Event 311. June, Cleveland, OH Winner: D.J.Sayre
Event 412. June, Cleveland, OH Winner: D.J.Sayre
Event 59. July, Philadelphia Winner: Larry Butler
Event 610. July, Philadelphia Winner: Larry Butler
Event 713. August, Ypsilanti, MI Winner: Larry Butler
Event 814. August, Ypsilanti, MI Winner: Chris White

In addition the following special events will be played:
Cosmo Darts CDC Matchplay 24. June, Chattanooga, TN Winner: Leonard Gates
North American Shootout19. August, Kingston, ON Winner: Jim Newman
Continental Cup Finals24. - 25. September Winner: Gary Bromhead

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