Roman Benecky
Birthday: 20. January 2000
Lives in: Altunovic, Czech Republic
Born in: Czech Republic
Darts: 22g Target Adrian Lewis
Organisation: PDC

Young Czech Roman Benecky was introduced by his grandfather with the sport darts. He played both steel darts and soft darts and was in both a successful youth player. 2016 he won the youth event of the Czech Open and 2017 the U 18 Soft Dart European Championship. 2018 he surprised by winning the qualification for the PDC World Cup of Darts and together with Karel Sedlacek he represented his home country in the event.
After he had taken part for one day in the Qualifying School 2019 he appeared on the PDC Development Tour. 2020 he was again taking part in Qualifying School but again couldn't get a Tour Card. So Benecky stayed on the Develoment Tour. 2021 he took part in the East Europe Qualifier for the PDC World Championship 2022 and won it. He will give his World Championship debut.

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