David Cameron
Birthday: 1969
Lives in: Halifax, Canada
Born at: Halifax, Canada
Nickname: Excalibur
Darts: Cosmo Darts
Walk-On-Music: Jerusalem (William Balke)
Organisation: WDF/BDO

Canadian David Cameron - who started to play darts as a kid - is a mainly in his home country successful darts player. In 2017 he won among others the Canadian Open, the Klondike Open and the Saint City Port Open. International he only one till now in 2014 the WDF Americas Cup Singles. But since 2014 he qualified every year for the BDO World Championship but never till now got further than the first round. 2018 he will again be in Lakeside this time playing against the German Michael Unterbuchner in the first round.
Cameron is no fulltime professional as it wouldn't be possible to earn a living playing darts in Canada. He works as manager of a hardware shop.

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