Toro Suzuki
Birthday: |
7. October 1987 |
Lives in: |
Yamanashi, Japan |
Born at: |
Yamanashi, Japan |
Nickname: |
Darts: |
: 23g Unicorn Contender Toru Suzuki |
Walk-On-Music: |
Organisation: |
Ranking: |
Internet-Site: |
Not much is known about Japanese Toro Suzuki. He plays both soft-darts and steel-darts. On the Perfect Dart Tour he had a few wins but so far was not successful on the PDC Asia Tour. He had intended to play most of the events in 2020 but the Corona pandemic prevented this. But Suzuki won the Japanese Qualifying event for the PDC World Championship 2021 and lost at his debut First Round against Madars Razma.
Picture with kind allowance of the PDC