Jim Williams
Birthday: 27. July 1984
Lives in: Presteigne, Wales
Born in: Shobdon, Wales
Nickname The Quiff
Darts: One80 25g
Walk-On-Music: No One Knows (Queens of the Stone Age)/Parklife (Blur)
Organisation: BDO/PDC

Jim Williams is one of the upcoming players in the BDO. In 2013 he for the first time played the complete BDO Tour after he had reached the quarterfinals of the Winmau World Masters 2012. Thanks to his achievements he managed to qualify for the BDO World Championship 2014 as a seeded player but lost first round to Dave Prins. Till than he qualified every year for the World Championship getting better every time til l he stood 2020 in the final. 2018 Williams reached the semi-finals of the World Masters and moved uo in the BDO ranking to the number 1 place. By this he qualified both for the Grand Slam 2018 and 2019 but both times was eliminated after the group phase. 2019, 2020 and 2021 Williams took part in the PDC Qualifying School but didn't manage to get a Tour Card. He played on the PDC Challenge Tour and was so sucessful that as the first of the Ranking end of 2021 he finally won his Tour Card.

Major Events
BDO World ChampionshipFinal2020
PDC WeltmeisterschaftThird Round2023
World MastersSemi-Finals2018
UK OpenFourth Round2022/23
Grand Slam of DartsGourp Phase2018, 2019, 2021
Players Championship FinalsFirst Round2022, 2023
Zuiderduin MastersFinal2017
WDF World CupWinner2015
WDF Europe CupFinal2016
BDO World TrophyWinner2019

Picture with kind allowance of the PDC

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